Watch South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut Streaming Megavideo free HD

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Hello Movie Lovers, Watch South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut Movie Online Streaming without Downloading. South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut Movie released on Jun 30, 1999 Wide on the Theatres. Now, You can stream this Animation,Musical & Performing Arts,Comedy movie without downloading within 1 hr. 20 min. and join with hundred of thousands of our satisfied members. The most tasteless third graders on television graduate to the big screen, as Trey Parker and Matt Stone expand their animated series with foul-mouthed humor that might breach the boundaries of basic cable. In the small Colorado town of South Park, good-natured Stan Marsh, slightly neurotic Kyle Broflovski, fat and petulant Eric Cartman, and perpetually doomed Kenny McCormick are psyched for the premiere of the first feature film from flatulent Canadian TV performers Terrance and Phillip, entitled "Asses of Fire." The movie is rated R, but that's not about to stop the boys from sneaking into the theater. However, when the boys' language gets bluer by the minute after seeing the film, their parents and school administrators decide that something must be done. Kyle's mother comes up with the ideal solution: blame Canada. Terrance and Phillip end up in jail for corrupting America's youth, while the Canadian Air Force retaliates with an air strike targeting the Baldwin brothers. The boys soon organize a children's underground resistance force to free Terrance and Phillip before they can be executed; meanwhile, in a sensitive subplot exploring relationship issues, we're permitted an inside look at the domestic problems of Satan and his lover, Saddam Hussein. As on the TV show, Parker and Stone perform the voices of most of the characters, and they also wrote several songs for the film; George Clooney, Minnie Driver, Eric Idle, Dave Foley, and Mike Judge contribute voices. Not to spoil the plot, but rumor has it that Kenny dies. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi .If You Like this movie you can streaming South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut movie without downloading HERE It s easy, quick and of course FREE to try!


Visitor Rating & Critics For South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut

User Rating South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut : 3.7
User Percentage For South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut : 86 %
User Count Like for South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut : 386,189
All Critics Rating For South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut : 7
All Critics Count For South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut : 94
All Critics Percentage For South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut : 81 %

Movie : South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut 1999
Genre : Animation,Musical & Performing Arts,Comedy
Director : Trey Parker,Isaac Hayes
Writer : Trey Parker,Pam Brady,Matt Stone
Cast by : Trey Parker,Matt Stone,Mary Kay Bergman,Isaac Hayes,Jesse Howell,Anthony Cross-Thomas,Francesca Clifford,Bruce Howell,Deborah Adair,Jennifer Howell,George Clooney,Brent Spiner,Minnie Driver,Dave Foley,Eric Idle,Nick Rhodes,Toddy Walters,Stewart Copeland,Stanley G. Sawicki,Mike Judge

Review For South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut

[An] inspired, self-referential animated musical.
Lisa Alspector-Chicago Reader

Rude, but inspired.
Liam Lacey-Globe and Mail

Profane, blasphemous and absolutely hilarious, Bigger, Longer & Uncut is easily the funniest of all the high-profile comedies released this year!

Even clean-thinking people may be tempted to admit that the thing is shamelessly, raucously hilarious!

Raunchy, riotously irreverent and thrillingly rangy!
Susan Stark-Detroit News

Tasteless, scatalogical and very funny!
Mark Caro-Chicago Tribune

Possibly the single most subversive fact about the film is that all else being equal, it's one of the best original movie musicals in a generation.
Tim Brayton-Antagony & Ecstasy

Entertaining raunchfest; not for kids.
Nell Minow-Common Sense Media

Manages to be both amazingly stupid and clever at the same time.
Joe Lozito-Big Picture Big Sound

Both hysterically funny and frighteningly pertinent...

Nastier than it is subversive or funny.
Mark Halverson-Sacramento News & Review

Among other things, the South Park movie restores the happy shock and exuberance of talking dirty.

This movie is nasty, shocking, hilarious, and close to brilliant.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Combustible Celluloid

Genuinely outrageous and sometimes hilarious -- but size does eventually matter, and all-rounder Trey Parker just can't keep it up for the full 81 minutes.
-Time Out

If, like me, you're sick of every work of art getting judged by your grandmother's delicate sensibilities and would like to watch some real artists have some fun while flipping off the cultural watchdogs, this film was made for you.
Ron Wells-Film Threat

Tous les fans se régaleront de ce film tout à fait réussi.
Louis-Jérôme Cloutier-Panorama

It's savagely funny, it's true to the core essence of the show, and it expands on the show in ways that television, due to content restrictions and time limitations, simply couldn't allow. And the tunes rock.

It fails miserably.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews

Like listening to a profane rant by kids stricken with Tourette's syndrome.
Thomas Delapa-Boulder Weekly

Vulgar and tasteless as usual, but most definitely longer and, quite obviously, to its detriment, uncut.
Kate Manning-Palo Alto Weekly

It will offend a lot of people who need to be offended once in a while.
Michael W. Phillips, Jr.-Goatdog's Movies

I found this film hysterically funny and quite thought-provoking.
John R. McEwen-Film Quips Online

South Park finds jokes where you cannot possibly expect them and leavens the grossness not with a brain-dead love story but a spirited, smart enough look at its own inspired prurience.
Nick Davis-Nick's Flick Picks

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