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Hello Movie Lovers, Watch Fever Pitch (The Perfect Catch) Movie Online Streaming without Downloading. Fever Pitch (The Perfect Catch) Movie released on Apr 8, 2005 Wide on the Theatres. Now, You can stream this Comedy,Romance movie without downloading within 1 hr. 38 min. and join with hundred of thousands of our satisfied members. Nick Hornby's acclaimed memoir about one man's struggle to balance his love of a woman and his love for soccer was the basis of a well-reviewed British film in 1997, and now gets a Americanized rewrite with this picture, in which the game is changed from soccer to baseball. Ben (Jimmy Fallon) is a high-school teacher who meets Lindsay (Drew Barrymore), who has a successful career in business. Ben and Lindsay don't appear to have much in common on the surface, but they hit it off and are soon involved in a serious romance. But when spring rolls around, Lindsay becomes aware of the true love of Ben's life -- the Boston Red Sox. Despite the team's lamentable record, Ben has been a fiercely loyal Red Sox fan since childhood, and Lindsay finds it hard to compete with his passion for baseball, while Ben is forced to choose between the obsessions of his youth and the enthusiasms of a responsible adult. Fever Pitch was shot in part in Boston during the 2004 baseball season, which to the surprise of the filmmakers saw the Red Sox winning baseball's world series for the first time since 1918. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi .If You Like this movie you can streaming Fever Pitch (The Perfect Catch) movie without downloading HERE It s easy, quick and of course FREE to try!


Visitor Rating & Critics For Fever Pitch (The Perfect Catch)

User Rating Fever Pitch (The Perfect Catch) : 3
User Percentage For Fever Pitch (The Perfect Catch) : 62 %
User Count Like for Fever Pitch (The Perfect Catch) : 151,355
All Critics Rating For Fever Pitch (The Perfect Catch) : 6.2
All Critics Count For Fever Pitch (The Perfect Catch) : 177
All Critics Percentage For Fever Pitch (The Perfect Catch) : 64 %

Movie : Fever Pitch (The Perfect Catch) 2005
Genre : Comedy,Romance
Director : Bobby Farrelly,Peter Farrelly
Writer : Lowell Ganz,Babaloo Mandel
Cast by : Drew Barrymore,Jimmy Fallon,Jason Spevack,Jack Kehler,Scott H. Severance,Jessamy R. Finét,Maureen Keiller,Lenny Clarke,Ione Skye,KaDee Strickland,Jackie Burroughs,Willie Garson,Daniel Greene,Tim McCarver,James B. Sikking,JoBeth Williams,Wayne Fleming,Andrew Wilson,Zen Gesner,Charlotte Sullivan

Review For Fever Pitch (The Perfect Catch)

The movie's sentiment is nothing new for the Farrelly brothers, but its complacency certainly is.
Jonathan Rosenbaum-Chicago Reader

Has a slapdash feeling to it.
David Denby-New Yorker

Barely a screwball comedy, let alone a gunk-loaded spitball like There's Something About Mary.
J. Hoberman-Village Voice

The Farrellys, New Englanders by birth, love the Red Sox so much that they forgive their lead character a multitude of sins that, in any of their other movies, they'd be too gentlemanly (and too humane) to ever allow.

Suffers from oddly clunky pacing and long, talky passages of little verbal dexterity and zero interest, import or impact.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post

A romantic comedy with the ultimate in feelgood endings.
Geoff Pevere-Toronto Star

Perfectly enjoyable but perfectly forgettable.
Nell Minow-Common Sense Media

Coincidentally, it's the second great romantic comedy to end with Drew Barrymore on a ball diamond and the only work of fiction to feature Jimmy Fallon as a believable human being, as Fallon handles possible pregnancy with unexpected dramatic presence.

Maybe you have to love the Red Sox to really enjoy Fever Pitch, but then you never really had to know sports to know a pretty bad movie.
Felix Vasquez Jr.-Cinema Crazed

The Farrelly brothers soften their customary inclination toward gross-out humor with a tender and earnest adaptation of a novel by Nick Hornby ("High Fidelity").

Fallon does an adequate job of making Ben's mania believable, although the portrayal of ballpark culture turns the film into a giddy celebration of fandom.
-Time Out New York

Despite the charming actors and promising setup, they never really hit it out of the park.
Joe Lozito-Big Picture Big Sound

Drew Barrymore gives an excellent performance as a lady-in-waiting opposite Jimmy Fallon's equally-impressive portrayal of a jittery, baseball-obsessed beau.
Kam Williams-Princeton Town Topics

For a light-hearted romantic comedy, there are a number of genuinely touching moments of love.
Mary Lasse-Christianity Today

It's a lot of fun.
Sandra Hall-Sydney Morning Herald

Anyone familiar with the conventions of the rom-com genre knows how all this is going to turn out.
Pete Vonder Haar-Film Threat

Barrymore has rarely been so bright and effortlessly charming, but it's all lost on Fallon, who often resembles one of those unfortunate SNL guests who freeze up on live TV, completely out of their element.
Scott Tobias-AV Club

El fin de la maldición del Bambino, un buen guión y la irresistible Drew Barrymore. Combinación otoñal fresca y exquisita.
Luis Martinez-Cinenganos

It does what it sets out to do, which is earn a few laughs and a few smiles. But it's all too run-of-the-mill.

Apesar de inferior ao original (e ao livro), esta é uma adaptação charmosa que, graças à simpatia de Fallon e Barrymore, sobrevive aos excessos ocasionais dos irmãos Farrelly.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena

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